Ice Air brand PTAC products provide our customers with high-quality units that are reliable, delivering comfort that lasts. In fact, the Ice Air brand Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTACs) are part of the wide variety of Hi-Spec™ and ExactFit™ HVAC Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners that provide superior new construction heating and cooling systems or to replace old installations. Ice Air’s PTACs are designed for ultra-high efficiency and comply with LEED® criteria in a durable, user-friendly package. New construction units feature EERs to 12.0, as well as whisper-quiet sound levels, commercial grade construction and balanced air flow. Ice Air offers a full line of ExactFit™ replacement units, which provide a simplified replacement solution for nearly every major manufacturer.
Models include: HiSpec™ units for new construction and full line of ExactFit™ replacement units.