Product Info

Cold Climate Single Packaged Heat Pumps (SPXCs) are as convenient to service as a PTHP while providing the benefits of concealed ducted systems. SPXCs can be hidden in a closet or behind a wall and serve multiple spaces via concealed ductwork. With the introduction of Ice Air’s breakthrough cold climate technology our line of Single Packaged Heat Pumps (SPXCs) would allow for efficient heat pump operation on the coldest days.

Category: New Construction/Replacement SPXC
Products: SPXC12, SPXC18, SPXC24

Thermostat Options

Ice Air - Product - SPAC - SPXC


Cooling Capacity (Btu/hr)1 11,200 16,800 24,000
Sensible Capacity (Btu/hr)1 9,900 12,900 18,500
Cooling Capacity Range (Btu/hr) 9,700 – 15,700 10,500 – 19,500 13,900 – 25,600
EER1 13.0 11.0 11.0
Cooling Operating Range 38F TO 115F
Cooling Input (Watts) 862 1,527 2,182
Cooling Input (Amps) 4.1 7.3 10.4
Heating Capacity (Btu/hr)2 11,400 15,200 21,000
Heating Capacity Range (Btu/hr) 7,600 – 14,500 11,500 – 19,200 15,100 – 25,900
COP2 3.5 3.3 3.3
HSPF2 9.0 9.0 9.0
Heating Outdoor Operating Range -5F TO 70F
Heating Input (Watts) 955 1,350 1,865
Heating Input (Amps) 4.6 6.5 9
Electric Heat (kW) 3.5 | 5.0 5.0 | 7.5 5.0 | 7.5
Voltage 208 208 208
MCA (without Electric Heat) 9.8 14.8 18.8
MOP (without Electric Heat) 15 20 25
MCA (with Electric Heat) 22.5 | 27.8 28.7 | 47.4 28.9 | 47.8
MOP (with Electric Heat) 25 | 30 30 | 50 30 | 50
Airflow (CFM) 400 600 800
Outside Air (CFM) 60 60 60
External Static Pressure – ESP (in.wg.) 0.3 0.3 0.3
Weights (lbs.) 220 260 360
Specification Notes:
1. Rated performances in cooling mode @ 80F/67F DB/WB Indoors and 95F/75F DB/WB Ambient
2. Rated performances in heating mode @ 70F/60F DB/WB Indoors and 47F/43F DB/WB Ambient
3. If the electric heat option is selected, the heat pump operation is disabled and electric heat enabled below -5°F (+/- 3°F)
4. Units without electric heat will operate below -5F with derated performance. Performance below -5F has not been certified.