Product Info

What if there was a way to electrify a building’s DHW plant? Ice Air’s CCHPD-series cold climate heat pump domestic hot water heaters do just that! They capture the free energy in the environment and convert it to hot water.

The coefficient of performance (COP) ranges from 5.36 on the hottest days (115°F) to 2.43 on the coldest days (10°F). These units are certified to operate down to –13°F with a COP of 1.42 (1.43 times better than electric heat)… owning the title of cold climate operation.

There is no better way to electrify a building’s DHW plant than Ice Air’s CCHPD series.

Category: Air-Source Cold Climate Heat Pump Domestic Hot Water Heaters

Products: ccHPWH275-S, ccHPWH550-D, ccHPWH275-D, ccHPWH550-S

Thermostat Options

Ice Air - Product - HPWH - ccHPWH


Model ccHPWH275-D ccHPWH550-D ccHPWH275-S ccHPWH550-S
Performance Specifications Input Power 208-230V/3Ph/60Hz 208-230V/3Ph/60Hz 208-230V/3Ph/60Hz 208-230V/3Ph/60Hz
Refrigerant Circuits 2 4 2 4
Refrigerant/ Quantity R454b (30.8 Lbs /
15.4 Lbs per circuit)
R454b (61.7 Lbs /
15.4 Lbs per circuit)
R454b (30.8 Lbs /
15.4 Lbs per circuit)
R454b (61.7 Lbs /
15.4 Lbs per circuit)
Max H/W Temperature 140°F 140°F 140°F 140°F
Dry Bulb Temperature (68°F)
Wet Bulb Temperature (59°F)
Inlet Water Temperature (59°F)
Outlet Water Temperature (140°F)
Heating Capacity (Btu/H) 336,400 672,800 341,700 683,500
Input Power(kW) 22.9 45.9 22.3 44.4
COP 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5
Dry Bulb Temperature (45°F)
Wet Bulb Temperature (43°F)
Inlet Water Temperature (48°F)
Outlet Water Temperature (140°F)
Heating Capacity (Btu/H) 271,700 543,400 275,900 552,000
Input Power(kW) 23.4 46.8 22.8 45.3
COP 3.4 34 3.55 3.57
Dry Bulb Temperature (10°F)
Wet Bulb Temperature (7°F)
Inlet Water Temperature (43°F)
Outlet Water Temperature (140°F)
Heating Capacity (Btu/H) 176,100 352,100 178,800 357,700
Input Power(kW) 24.0 48.0 23.2 46.4
COP 2.15 2.15 2.26 2.26
FLA (A) 105.3 210.7 105.3 210.7
MCA (A) 125.9 251.8 125.9 251.8
MOCP (A) 150 300 150 300
Sound Level (dBA) ≤73 ≤75 ≤73 ≤75
Water Data Condenser Type Double Wall BPX Double Wall BPX Single Wall BPX Single Wall BPX
Water Side Pressure Loss (psig) 24.3 24.5 24.3 24.5
Rated Water Flow (GPM)
(DB/WB:45°F/43°F, Inlet/outlet: 104°F/113°F)
78.3 145.2 78.3 145.2
Single pass delta-T (F) (OA_temp=68°F, LWT=131°F) 10.8 10.8 11 11
Piping Position Rear Rear Rear Rear
Piping Sizes 2"(DN50) 3"(DN80) 2"(DN50) 3"(DN80)
Minimum Ambient Operating Temperature (°F) -13 -13 -13 -13
Overall Dimensions [L x W x H] (inches) 81 x 39 x 89 95 x 51 x 89 81 x 39 x 89 95 x 51 x 89
Net Weight (Lbs) 1,555 2,950 1,555 2,950